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Parenting is a Journey...

"I highly recommend Radiant Child Therapy to any family looking to help their child reach their full potential. We have tried all different types of therapy for our almost 8 year old son and this has been by far the most enjoyable and successful.


Of course, like anything worth trying, this therapy takes time and work. There have been periods of time where his behavior and mood have become worse for a while, but it has been worth it now that we are seeing the amazing improvements not only with his behavior but also with this confidence and mood.


Whitney is an amazing therapist and person. She is so in tune with our son and our families needs. She is also extremely knowledgeable about how Rhythmic Movement works with the brain. After each session, she lets me know what to do at home and what we might expect following the session, and so far she has been correct every time.


Parenting is a journey, and parenting a child with special needs can be exhausting. It has been my goal to create a team full of amazing people who are passionate about helping our son reach his true potential with a smile on his face.


Thank you Whitney for helping us help him."


She's who she was always meant to be...

"Thanks to Radiant Child Therapy, my daughter went from a non-functioning, miserable, screaming, violent mess, to a happy and advanced kid for her age.


She went from a severe delay in motor skills to advanced for her age. She is now age appropriate in language (her language loss was due to her diagnosis), has become a leader in her classroom and is now used as an example for the other students (when she started she was hitting over 100 times in a 2 hour time period and spent the rest of the time screaming, huddled in the corner).


All the professionals involved in our daughters care have told me over and over that they have NEVER seen a transformation like this, and ask me how they can help other students who present like my daughter.


She no longer screams, shows aggression, hits her head, hurts herself or others, or throws extreme tantrums. She went from nearly being placed in the most restrictive special needs classroom, to a mainstreamed typical Kindergarten class.


She is now the sweetest, most gentle and loving child I have ever met. Ms. Whitney gave her the ability to be the person who she was always meant to be. "


Writing has always been difficult... 

"We are amazed! Our son has had so many wonderful people along his journey to help him, but the difference you have already made is absolutely incredible. I felt that he would make progress in therapy, but had no idea that he would be able to make it so quickly. The work you are doing, is drastically changing his life, and we are so grateful for you... "


The handwriting samples above are 6-weeks apart. Prior to beginning therapy, this child was still using primary school dotted lined paper in a 5th grade setting. After only 6-sessions, this child was able to write a book for school, on college ruled paper, with age appropriate penmanship. All of this progress was made  without seated fine motor activities or handwriting tasks. Only Neurodevelopmental Therapy, Haller Method, and play based therapy were used during the 6-weeks of therapy provided.

A True Expert...

"Whitney is a true expert! She has an incredible way with my girl, (age 8, cerebral palsy) is professional, but real, and maximizes our time at each session. She is able to provide the interventions needed without letting on how much work is actually being done. We see positive behavior changes, increased verbal skills, excitement to go to therapy, and more cooperation than ever in just 6 or 7 sessions. 


My husband, who is a neurologist, was equally impressed when he attended his first therapy session with my daughter and I. He said, "she knows what she’s doing and we’ll keep coming..." 


Thank you Whitney! We’re glad you’re here!


Mountains Can Move...

"I don’t know how to recommend Whitney more without sharing super personal information.

However, I’ll say our family had been on a 7 year journey trying to find what worked for my son so he could be happy, express himself, and get along socially. He still has some difficulty, but the progress he made with Whitney’s tailored therapy techniques was more than we’d seen with any other program over the years.

She helped us understand what we were dealing with from a holistic perspective, and how to help our son function more typically to his age.

Please try Whitney for a couple months, and see the changes for yourself! Mountains can move with a little focused physical body movement!"


Tremendous Progress...

"Whitney's ability to build rapport with special needs children is second to none. My son is on the spectrum and while very loving is wary of strangers. He took to her so quickly and actually is happy to see her every time we go. He has made such tremendous progress in the short time we've been seeing her it's amazing. We could not be more thankful for her!"


You have changed the trajectory of her life...

"I can't thank you enough for the work you have done with our girl. We have seen such a change in her behavior and her self-esteem. It makes me so happy I could cry. This little girl is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I only want the best for her. Thank you for giving her the tools she needs to rise from the ashes of such a difficult start to her life. She adores you. You truly have changed the trajectory of her life."



I could cry when I think of all the milestones we have reached....


"Mrs. Whitney is my son's favorite therapist. You can tell that she puts her heart and soul into her work- and the outcomes I've seen reflect her dedication to her field of work. The innovative and holistic approaches used at Radiant Child Therapy surpass standard OT and have led to tremendous gains that often leave me saying, "Wow." I am so happy with the progress that my child has made since starting at Radiant Child Therapy and the quality-of-care your child receives is worth the investment. My child went from being incredibly delayed to only a year or two behind his peers. Whitney has unlocked my son's potential with her healing approaches and has truly changed the trajectory of his life forever.  Whitney as a therapist is efficient, knowledgeable, collaborative, gentle, sincere, patient, neuro affirming, and respectful. She treats you and your child like family. I could just cry thinking about all the milestones we have reached together and how integral her work has been to my son's progress. I am grateful for the progress my son has made and can't speak highly enough about Radiant Child Therapy."




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